Joshua 1:9

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged,
for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."

"Look at all my stars"

Luke was talking about being scared and he hoped this medicine was working. We said we hoped so too! We talked about how God is with us when we are scared and how so many people are praying for him. He said I know, (with a smile on his face) look at all my stars. (A friend made up posters with stars on them that represent prayers and he loves it!!) I am amazed by his faith and courage. (this is an excerpt from the family's online journal)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Fight Begins Again

It's with a very heavy heart that I update this blog to let you know that the Jensen family just received the news that Luke's cancer has returned. For a full update visit their Caring Bridge site.
You can leave your prayers and encouragement there or here.

PLEASE remember to lift this family up in your prayer everyday! Pray for Luke's complete and total healing here on earth!!! Prayer that God's glory would be revealed through the complete healing of Luke. Pray that cancer would be completely eradicated from Luke's life once and for all!! Pray for STRENGTH for Luke's parents, Vikki and Steve. Also, please be praying for Luke's brother and sister that God would comfort them and would continue to be their source of hope!

When you leave a prayer of encouragement on this site for Luke and his family I will add a link to Luke's prayer chain. If you scroll down to older posts in this blog you will see that the last time Luke battled this disease (and won) we covered his room in stars and the stars represented people who were praying for him from all over the world!

This time I wanted Luke to know that just as many...and maybe EVEN MORE PEOPLE are praying for him this time! So won't you join the prayer chain and be a prayer warrior for LUKE!

For those of you with a blog....Please feel free to grab the button and add to your sidebar or to a post and encourage others to JOIN THE PRAYER CHAIN!!

Please don't click out of here without leaving a prayer. I know as bloggers many of us are in the habit of reading and leaving.....but this is real life people and Luke really needs your prayers. And this prayer chain will give him a visual representation of those prayers. Just think of how much that will mean to him and what an encouragement it will be!

Please leave your name and the state or country you live in.


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Shannon said...

Lord, I pray that you would restore Luke to total and complete health here on earth. Lord, your Son Jesus, walked the streets and healed people because he had compassion on them. I pray that he would pour out his compassion on Luke and touch Luke with His healing hand! Father, I pray that the way your glory would be revealed in this situation would be through Luke's healing and through the testimony and faith of the family and friends around him.

Father, I pray that you would lift up his parents and give them amazing strength. Lord, carry them and bear their burdens. Place MANY people in their path who would bear their burdens for them as well.

Lord, I pray Jake and Tori and ask that you would comfort them and give them strength as well.

Father, I thank you for the amazing faith this family has and I pray that it would only be strengthened through this journey.

Lord, I love you and I KNOW that you are able...MORE than able!

Shannon Dow

Unknown said...

Dear Lord,
Please flood this family with your love, your strength and your mercy. Heal this sweet little boy and the hearts of his family. Help us all to remember through this healing that all of the glory and praise is yours.
Kimm Boes

Anonymous said...

Most Gracious Heavenly Father - I come before you tonight thanking you for the work you are performing right now in little Luke's life. Lord, I ask that you would completely heal his body, which can only truly be healed by your grace. You are the ultimate Doctor, Healer, and Caretaker. Give wisdom to the doctors. Guide their hands and their lead them in their decisions that are in the best interest of Luke. Pour out your mercy and your grace on precious Luke, and his family. Be with them, and calm them during the storm. Lord, help them to focus on you and not the raging storm all around them. You are their peace. Lord, you are our everything, and hope in you does not dissappoint. So, we pray and place our hope in you. Comfort Luke, and hold him near so that he may hear your heart beat. Just be with this family.

Anonymous said...

Dear Lord
Wrap this child and his family in your loving embrace and hold them in your grace and glory! Give them comfort and strength. I pray for your healing powers to be with this child and his family. Bless them and hold them.

Unknown said...

Dear Lord,
Please keep this little one and his family close to you and give them strength and courage during this time. Bring this family peace and comfort, Lord. I pray for health and healing for your child, Luke.
In Christ's holy name,

Roxie said...

Please provide and protect little Luke and give his family comfort and hope in the days to come. Give them strength in the day to day endeavors. God we trust all to you.
In his name.

Tammy said...

Dear Heavenly Father, Lord I just lift this little boy and his family up to you right now. Please give them strength as they face this battle ahead of them. Let them feel you loving arms wrapped securely around them and give them the strength to accept your will. Father I pray that they will cling to you during this time of need and Father I pray you heal his little body and keep him strong!! I pray these this in your holy name. Amen

angie gutshall said...

Dear Heavenly Father, I pray that you will be with Luke through this difficult time. I pray you will be with his family and they go through it with him. Please lay a healing hand on this child so he can be well again. I pray you will comfort all his fears. I pray you will give him strength to fight this cancer again. In Your name I pray Amen

Anonymous said...

We are praying for a complete miracle in Lukes body, and for peace and strength for this little guy and his family as they believe Jesus for this healing, and God we give You all the glory for this even now!

The Stark family
Bristol, Indiana

~Kristina said...

Dear Lord,
Please send health for Luke. Stay close with him and his family as they navigate through this challenge.

The Wood Family
Winnipeg, MB, Canada

Unknown said...

Lord God, we trust that you are Good, but this news is so devastating, so painful. It is hard enough for me to have watched many people suffer through this, it is so much harder to watch it on someone I know and care for. To be honest, it makes me a little angry and confused. And I can't imagine how much that is amplified in the Jensen family right now. But Lord, I choose hope. You promise to give us YOUR power and YOUR strength and YOUR wisdom when we trust you and believe in You. We trust you with this family, hold them up, give them hope, give them enough rest and peace to make it through. Let them feel your love. And give Steve and Vikki what they need to show their faith in You through this process, let their love for You shine for others to see.
And Lord, if You will, heal Him! You are bigger than this disease, and you know how much we all want to see Luke disease-free and serving You here on earth. If You will, please please touch him and heal Him. You are an awesome God, Please make Your undeniably obvious in these circumstances.
-tanya lee-

Anonymous said...

Strength to you Vikki and Steve and wisdom to the doctors. Bravery to Luke, faith and love to the other kids. You are in many people's prayers and thoughts, What a brave family....

Andrea Wiebe said...

Father in Heaven,

I lift Luke and his family up to you. If it be your will I pray for Luke's complete healing on this earth. Hold Luke in your loving arms. Father we love you, thank you for sending your Son to die for our sins.

In the name of the Mightly Lord Jesus we pray.

Bruce Hugill said...

Father, I want to pray for Luke. You took care of him once and now I trust you to take care of him again. Your heart for Luke is perfect. I ask you to block the pain, and give him many awesome people to be with him as he goes through the process again. Thanks, Lord. You are good!!!

Patty Hardy said...

Father God, we pray for a complete healing in Luke and for peace for his family. Lord we know you can heal and make new and we thank you for this! We know you have BIG plans for Luke and we pray you keep him strong in you through this journey.


Meredith said...


I love you. I pray for complete healing. That you would rid Luke's body of cancer. That your light would shine brightly through him. That you would carry him in your bosom. That he would feel you... Lord, thank you for Luke. Thank you for his infectious smile. Thank you for the joy he exudes. Thank you for the amazing blessing that he is. I love you Jesus!


Unknown said...

You are FAITHFUL, COMPASSIONATE, LOVING in all you do.. WE TRUST YOU!! It is with a broken heart that I come to You and 'CRY OUT' for you LOVING KINDNESS towards Luke and the family. Our heart's desire is that You would completly heal and restore his body to full health!!!

In the midst of this storm please wrap your arms of peace and assurance around each and every one.. that they may without question.. KNOW that you are THERE WITH THEM!!!! Your promise is that you will never leave us or forsake us.. THANK YOU!!!

WE fall into you loving and trustworthy arms.. and pray all this trusting in YOU and YOU ALONE!!! OUR HOPE IS IN YOU!!!!

In the Name of Your Son.. Our Mighty Lord & Savior we pray!!

Mrs. D said...

Stay Strong Little Buddy!
He was wounded and crushed because of our sins; by taking our punishment, he made us completely well. Isa 53:5.
We will pray and remember you daily as we lift you up to Our Father God.

Beth E. said...

I know that as much as Luke's family and friends love him, You love him even more. Please touch his body and heal him, in the name of Jesus. Help Luke and his family to feel your comfort and peace.

niccolew said...

Father of Light,
Give us strength to trust in your perfect plan, your perfect wisdom, your perfect love. I ask, Lord, that you would lay Your healing hands on Luke's body. That you would rid his body of cancer. That it would be gone...FOREVER. We know that you are bigger than cancer, mightier than an earthly disease. Hold the Jensen family in your outstretched arms as they battle this together. Unite your body to come along side of them to support them, love them, and meet their earthly needs. Let us be an extension of your love.
It is so hard to understand and so easy to ask, "why?" Lord, please give us the courage to lean not on our own wisdom but on Yours alone.

Chiloe said...

Praying the chemo will work . Send strenght to the family.

Chiloe said...

Forgot to add : I'm in France.

Ms. Vivian: said...

Dear Lord,

Please keep our friend Luke in your safe arms, and his brother and sister. Please heal him God. Keep him safe and let his mom and dad be ok.

Riley, Payton and Aly

Emily Stark said...

Dear Lord,
We ask that you will heal Luke's body completely and that it will be a miracle that brings many people to You.

I admire the strength of Luke and his parents, and I know that it is You giving it to them. I pray that You will help them to keep trusting in Your perfect plans.

In Jesus' name we pray,


Heidi said...

Dear Heavenly Father, i ask that you watch over Luke and provide him and his family the strength to pull through this again. I ask that you provide the comfort to them as they face this journey once again, knowing what it will be like. In Jesus name- we ask for this miracle of recovery.


Anonymous said...

Heavenly Father,

You are the Great Physician. Please touch Luke Jensen and heal his body once and for all so that You may be glorified.

Grant peace to Steve and Vikki as they walk this journey.

Grant patience to Jake and Tori.

Father, wrap this entire family in Your loving arms and remind them how much You care for and about them.

May You be glorified through this season in their lives.

Through the precious blood of Your Son Jesus, AMEN!

Linda . J said...

Heavenly Father We pray you will help Luck and his family in their struggle and keep them safe.
Lots of hugs and prayers
Linda in Bahrain

Anonymous said...

Dear Heavenly Father,

We ask that you watch over the very courageous Luke and that you give strength and guidance to the medical staff responsible for his care. We ask that you provide the Jensen family with the strength and loving support they need to get through this difficult time.

Anonymous said...

Oh Heavenly Father

Please, in the name of your precious son Jesus, I ask that you heal Luke. To him and his family, I ask that your pour out your mercy, peace and healing power. We trust you Lord and wait for your power to be revealed. In the name of Jesus and by the power of his blood.

Lyn-de-Lou, Belfast, Northern Ireland

Anonymous said...

Lord, we pray for Luke and his family and this time you have again
allowed that we don't like or understand but continue to trust you as Luke again battles this disease. Keep him strong for the battle and keep his sweet heart and trust for you as an example for all of us to witness. Use this time again to bring glory to you. We know you can heal him would you please and amaze the doctors whom we are also
praying for as they care for Luke.
Luv, Diana & Roger

Linda Lou said...

Lord, please watch over Luke as you watched over and healed our daughter Courtney who has diagnosed 15 years ago, with ALL, with God all things are possible! Courtney is here to attest to that.
God Bless you Luke and your family.
The Cotov's
San Diego, CA

Audrey said...


Please be with Luke and his family as he is undergoing this difficult fight once more. Give Luke continued strength and pull him through this. Help his family to trust you turning this time and turn to you when they are weary and depleted. Lord, I know that you can do all things, please heal Luke so that he may continue to spread your light to this world. Amen


Danielle said...

Lord, please hold Luke in the palm of your hand. We pray for complete and total healing for Luke. Lord please show your mercy and your might in the healing of Luke and the protection and caring of his parents and for his brother and sister I pray that you show them compassion and mercy. All things are possible with you alone.

Amy said...

Heavenly Father,
Thank you that this family has complete and total trust in you. Thank you that they lean on you not just in the tough times, but in the good times as well. Lord, I am heartbroken that this family has to go through this again. But to YOU be the glory. No matter what the outcome. I pray that you'd heal Luke on this side of Heaven. And to YOU be the glory. Lord, whatever the outcome, to YOU be the glory.

Luke, you are the strongest and most courageous 8 year old I know. Your faith and trust in God is a witness to me! You are 8, I'm 32 and YOU are a witness to ME! I will continue to pray that God will heal you and that you will come through this even stronger and closer to the Lord.

Anonymous said...

I ask for your Peace and calmness that only you can give, I ask for healing. Body and soul. I ask for rest, body and soul. I ask for strength to do all that needs to be done. Wrap your arms around the Jensen Family. Let your light shine so brightly in Lukes room that everyone will be drawn to you. I ask that needs will be met that only you are aware of. Mostly Lord I ask for your wisdom.

Shannon Dumont
Vancouver, WA

Anonymous said...

Dear Lord,
We pray for Luke. We pray this family continues their strength and that they know so many people are praying for Luke everyday. Bless them!

Stellan Bracelets said...

Lord, protect this precious boy's life as he fights so bravely. Fill his soul with inner peace as You heal the cancer with the medicine that he's being given, Lord, but let it be like water to the rest of his body. Let him see that You have great plans for him, Lord, and lend him Your strength as he faces this valley in his life. Help him lift his eyes onto the hills, so that he will know where his help comes from, Lord.
Help our prayers give him comfort and rest.

Praying for you in NB, Canada, Luke.

Anonymous said...

Prayer to St. Jude,
Most Holy apostle, St. Jude, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, the church honors and invokes you universally, as the patron of hopeless cases, of things almost despaired of. Pray for me, I am so helpless and alone. Make use I emplore you, of that particular privilege given to you, to bring visible and speedy help where help is almost despaired of. Come to my assistance in this great need that I may receive the consolation and help of heaven in all my necessities, tribulations, and sufferings, particulaely(Here make your request) and that I may praise God with you and all the elect forever. I promise, O blessed St. Jude , to be ever mindful of this great favor, to always honor you as my special patron, and to gratefully encourage devotion to you. Amen.

Lisa said...


Thank you for the healing that you have done in Luke's body this last year. I thank you for all the many, many prayers you have answered. I pray once again, that you would irradicate the AML in him and that this time it is for life. Lord, I ask that Luke would grow up into a healthy, Godly man, filled with you. Protect Luke's body, his mind, his spirit, from harm in these days. Protect all those around him. His parents, siblings and family. Keep them in your care, keep their eyes on you and you alone. Strengthen each of them, hold them, comfort them. Protect them from the evil one - may they not give in to discouragement. I give thanks to you because you are good, you are faithful, you are sovereign. Help the Jensen's to rejoice; show them your glory in these days. Thank you that you do ALL things for our good, including allowing the storms to rage. Praise you in this storm and may your name be honored and glorified in Luke and his family.

Jenn Nesland said...

Heavenly Father...we were all touched by the strength and courage Luke showed in his first struggle with this disease. YOUR hand was firmly wrapped around him in love and protection and YOU pulled him through. Lord, we lift him up to you again with aching hearts. Please, Lord, heal his body and remove all cancer. Give him strength to endure all the treatment, give him peace and courage to once again look to YOU. Please be with the Jensons. Bring them peace and comfort as well. Lord, we know there is nothing too big for YOU and we know YOU can heal him. Please, LORD....give us a lifetime of LUKE!
Jenn (Kreunen)Nesland
Vancouver, WA

GinniG said...

Lord Jesus, I ask that You would send down Your healing power into little Luke's body right NOW! Father, I ask that the miracle working power that healed my back so many years ago would flow through my fingertips into this little boy's body and heal every cell and every atom in him! Lord I lift up the rest of the family to You and ask that You would rain down Your peace that passes all understanding. I thank You that it is DONE in Jesus' mighty name! Amen!
Keeping your family in our prayers!

Carolyn NC said...

Lord Jesus,
You are the healer of all. We ask you to be especially with Luke and his precious family. Give them all strength and power to battle this sickness and give them victory once again. Help them to fully rely on you in all areas and encourage them in your strength. People all over the world are praying for them and care what happens. May your name be glorified throughout this time and forever.
Carolyn Brewer

Anonymous said...

Have Mercy on me, LOrd, for I am in distress.
My sight is blurred because of my tears.
My body and soul are withering away.

The Lord gives his people strength.
The lord blesses them with peace.

"Lord, help!" they cried in their trouble, and they saved them from their distress. He calmed the storm to a whisperand stilled the waves.

What a blessing was that stillness as he brought them safely into harbor.

May God bless you Luke and take care of you. I do not know you personally but my best friend Shari Aldous sent this email to me about you and when I read this story about you it just broke my heart because I also have a 9 year old boy and a 5 year old boy. If either one of them had to go through such a hard thing I don't know what I would do. I have epilepsy and I was outside with my 2 boys while they were playing and I went into a seizure, fell right back like a tree and my head landed right on the concrete. My oldest saved my life. If he would not have been outside with me the E.R. doctor's told me I might have died because once I got to the hospital I started having quite a few strokes.

Everything seem's to be ok with me now but I am a very over protective mother. I try not to be to overprotective but what can I do. I love my children with ALL my heart.

I say a rosary everynight and I will be sure to add you in my rosary and I will also ask my church to pray for you. I will also send this email to my priest's in my church and my monsignor. They are all wonderful. Everyone in my church are amazing. I will also be sure to write your name in what we call our prayer book. That is there just for people that are in very special need's of special help or prayers. Your name will be in there first thing tomorrow. You take care of yourself and if you would ever like to talk to me feel free to email me at By the way my name is Andrea. My children's names are Joshua and Jonathan. If you would ever like to talk to them please let me know I know they would both love to talk to you. My 9 year old boy's name is Joshua.

You take care of yourself sweetie. My prayers are with you and your family everyday.

Anonymous said...

Hi Luke,
My name is Andrea and I just sent you an email. I forgot to tell you in my last email that I also sent you an email earlier this morning. It is a prayer to St. Jude. You and your family should say this prayer everyday. WHen I was in the hospital my family said it for me everyday and now I am still here and alive. I am emailing you giving you some information. I will continue to give you all of the prayers that I can.

Infarrantly Creative said...

Dear Lord,
Heal Luke by the power of your Holy Spirit and for your glory. May this family's light for you shine to all in the hospital. Give the doctor's wisdom, Luke's siblings and parents strength and stamina and Luke the will to keep fighting. In Jesus' Name I pray.

Greenwood, IN

Anonymous said...

You have a friend in Jesus. He will always be by your side, to carry you along when you need His strength.

Me said...

Dear God -

You are amazing and inspiring and I know this to be true because I have seen it. I have seen you heal as you have healed Luke before. Please keep Luke and his family safe in your arms.

Loving thoughts,

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Lord, for the gift of Luke. May you hold this sweet little boy in your hands and guide him and his family through this journey. When he is afraid, whisper love. Send messages to him to stay strong. Help him know that he is not alone. May Luke and his family feel Your presense. Thank you, Lord, for delivering this child through this illness. In Your Name, I pray.

Sheelagh said...

Dear Lord, Please bless Luke and his family as they walk through this difficult valley. Help them all see you through this tough time. Help them to lean on you as well as each other as they find support and love in the face of their current challenge.
Please bring strength once again not only to Luke, but to his family. Help them all beat this cancer each in their own way. Help them all to walk with you along the path that you have chosen for them.


Blessings from Portland, OR

Danyele Easterhaus said... rock, buddy! i am praying for you, so you will know that god is with you and you will not be scared or worried. there's a lot going on...and i'm sad for that. god will provide a strength for you and will also give you some awesome people in your life to make you smile and make you healthy...i pray for peace and strength of your mind and body. i am praying for you...that i can promise. and i'm going to ask others to do so too!

Anonymous said...

To Luke and his family-I am not very good at coming up with fancy words or prayers but I just wanted you to know that I will be thinking of you and praying for you.
St Augustine, Florida

Anonymous said...

Dear Luke, I will be praying for you and your family. May god bless you with his peace.

bunchofbull-ers! said...

Dear Heavenly Father,
Please, Lord, place your healing hands upon this precious child. Give him your strength to fight. Embrace his entire family in your loving arms. Be so evident to them, Lord.
I ask this in the name of your Son, Amen.

Athens, TN

silvia said...

Heavenly Father, we pray for Luke and his family. Help them make it through this dark valley. Thank you for your generosity and for what they need. Hear our prayer.

The Haynes family, Chicago, IL

Anonymous said...

Father God.. you are a God of all power and strength.. So it is with confidence and humility that we ask for your healing hand to be upon Luke. We ask for your intervention.. and healing on his behalf. We thank you in advance for what you are going to do. in the name of Jesus.. we ask for this healing ... Ron N.

Anonymous said...

Dear Luke,
I want to encourage you, that with God, all things are possible. God has healed me of LGL
(leukemia), my last treatment was in early 2000.

I pray that The Holy Spirit will course throughout your body, healing every cell that needs healing, restoring your body to perfect health. I also pray that God's Holy and Loving Presence will fill you, surround you, speak to you, and sing to you and your family, bringing you comfort, joy, and peace.

I thank God for what He has done, is doing, and will do for you and your family.

Adrienne Hudgens

Ruby Red Slippers said...

Dear Lord~
I ask that you hear the voices of so many that are lifting up little Luke up to you in prayer. You are the one with healing in your hands. You are the one who can make seas part, and raise the dead.
I ask that you touch Luke with your healing power~
In Jesus Name, AMEN!
Lori Elliott

Jayden Dean said...

Dear Lord,
Please wrap your arms around Luke and his family. Please protect Luke from all the nasty side effects of the chemo. I pray that Luke would be completely healed. Give him and his family the strength and courage to get through this.
In Your Name, Amen!

Anonymous said...

Praise you Jesus, be with Luke tonight, surround him with your love and peace that passes understanding. Let your healing power pump trough his veins. In Jesus Mighty Name! May it be!

Unknown said...

sending prayers and love to luke and his family.


Anonymous said...

Heavenly Father,

Please comfort Luke as his body begins to feel the effects of the chemo. Let him know that even though he's a tough young man it's ok for him to let mom and dad comfort him. Lord, ease Vikki's sadness as she watches her son go through this all again. You've seen Your Son go through physical pain so You know exactly how to minister to Vikki. Strengthen each and every member of the family, both immediate and extended, and minister to their individual needs as they arise. I thank You for being a faithful and loving God, who cares for each and every son and daughter. I pray these things through the blood of Your precious Son, Jesus. Amen

Anonymous said...

His mercy endureth forever! God give us peace, we do not understand, your ways are not ours, Help us to understand. Thank you Lord for your divine wisdom. We look forward to the day we all meet again.

meleea said...

Lord of Heaven & Earth -
Thank You for making Luke. For forming his body and knowing it well. Thank You for carrying us when we rest in Your presence. Thank You for knowing the future.

I pray for Luke & his family as they walk through this season. Please bring healing and endurance. Please wrap them in Your love!!


Vancouver, WA

Brandy said...

Heavenly Father,
Thank you so much for Luke and the Jensen family. We don't understand why you have chosen this for this family but we thank you for their strong faith and their desire to share that faith with so many others.
Lord, we ask that you bring complete healing to Luke's body. We know that you are the Ultimate Physician and we put our trust in you. We thank you for what you are going to do in Luke's life and we thank you that so many people will witness it. We give you All the glory.

In Your Precious Name,

in Pittsburgh, PA

Debilou ~ Mississippi Mama said...

Dear Lord,, I cant imagine what this family is going through but I know that You know every hurt and pain they are feeling and I pray that you will heal Luke of this disease and give this whole family the strength and faith they need to get through it.

Star, MS

nateandtraci said...

Lord, please be with Luke that he will feel your arms around him, healing him. Luke brings so much joy into so many lives and loves you so much! I'm so thankful for Luke and his family. I ask that you'll rid the cancer from his little body. Thank you for knowing and loving us completely. Amen

traci, nate and jonas kumza

Anonymous said...

Dear Father,

You are God, You are good, You are almighty. We love You and come to You boldly and ask for a complete healing here on earth for Luke. Only You can give what is needed to the Jensen family to travel this road. We ask for supernatural strength, peace and boldness to fill each member of the family. We praise You for hearing us and being the Rock.
For Your glory, Amen

Chris and David Piper

Marci @All Things Wonderful said...

Please be with Luke, today. I pray that your healing hand would be upon him. I ask that your power would be revealed through Luke's life. May he be a great witness for you and be able to share the love of Jesus with others. Please bring peace to his parents and brother and sister. May they all feel the love and strength of you, today. You are Almighty and Powerful. In Jesus' name, Amen.

{in Arkansas}

Bessie said...

Dear Heavenly Father:

It is with a confident heart that I lift this family to you, my Lord. I am confident that you are working with this family and with Luke's complete healing. Please my Lord, give this family the strength, love, patience, and FAITH that they need to go through this. Lets remind them that YOU are the warrior in this battle and YOU will surely win this for them.

I pray my Lord for peace in their heart, trust in you, and strenght in their endeavors.

In Jesus Name,


Villegas-Cintron Family
Yonkers, New York

Anonymous said...

Dear Lord,

Please heal Luke and help his sickness go away.


Caden M.

Tami said...

Jensen Family, My heart is filled with compassion for all that you have been through and are going through now. Please know that I will keep you all in my prayers. May the Lord help you to not get discouraged and keep on fighting. The Lord is with you of every second of everyday and he knows what you are going through and is there to help and answer each prayer given up to him.
Love & Unending Prayers, Tami
Houston, MN said...

Lord, provide strength, peace, calmness in the midst of uncertainty and faith that you are a God that can do anything for anybody.

Please heal Luke and let him be used for your glory.

bobbi said...

Lord, please comfort and surround this family with your peace. Please heal this child as only you can.
Fort Worth, TX

chatterbox said...

Dear Father God,

Thank you for the blessings you have bestowed on all of us. Thank you for the strength and faith that Luke and his family have in You. Please continue to engulf them all in Your love and mercy. I pray for healing and comfort as they now battle this sickness again.



Aphra Bolyer said...

Lord, I pray that you would heal Luke's little body. That you would completely eradicate the cancer in his body. That you would guide the doctors and give them wisdom. That you would give his family the strength and grace to take care of Luke and their other two children. Lord, thank you for hearing our prayer in Jesus's name. Amen.

Unknown said...

Lord we know that in all things you are glorified. I pray for your peace upon the family and I thank you for the body of Christ that we can lift them up to you so they can rest.

Samantha said...


I am praying to God for you to stay strong and fight this beast. I am praying for God to heal your body. I pray that you have peace and I pray for peace for your family. I pray that God will be with you and walk with you and your family through this hard road. I pray that you will feel his presence near you always.

Brea, Ca.

Cram Family said...

Heavenly Father,
Please bless this family. Watch over all of them and keep them close toyou in these hard times. Carry them in their times of need and help them to have the strength to overcome these trials.
D. Cram Utah

brigid16 said...

I will keep you and your family in my prayers. Please remember that there is a world of support around you, even in the prayers of random blog hoppers.
Northern Iowa

Anonymous said...

Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You for this child and the blessing you have sent to his family. I thank You for all the loving and caring friends you have sent to support this family. Most of all I thank You for your marvelous gift of Salvation and that we have an Advocate sitting at Your right hand who is Jesus Your Son. Father I pray that if it by Thy will you would touch Luke and heal him of this cancer. I pray for strength for his family and that You would provide their every need during this time. I pray that they would lean on you and depend on you. Father I thank you for you everlasting love and all of your blessings. In Jesus name I pray Amen.


Anonymous said...

Dear Lord,

Please watch over this wonderful little boy and give him the strength to recover. Please help the family cope in these days and give them hope and love. We are all praying for you Luke:)


Mary said...

Praying for Luke in McRoberts, KY

Dena said...

I pray for Luke and that his body, mind and soul come through this challenge with more strength, conviction, peace, and health. Help heal his body so he can return to enjoying the playful times of childhood that he has already missed so much of and that every child deserves to have.

I pray that you give his parents the strength to endure. Surround them with people who will provide comfort and help bear their burdens.

I have seen your miracles and know that we have to keep believing and have faith.

Anonymous said...

Luke, God bless you and your family. You're a great kid and we love you!

My Trendy Tykes said...

I pray for healing and strength for Luke and courage and comfort for his family.

((great big hugs))

Linda, MS

Kelli said...

Dear Father,
We ask for healing for Luke. Please give him the strength he needs to fight this disease. Be with his family. Comfort them and give them peace that only you provide.
Kelli in South Carolina

Daisy said...

Dear St. Jude, you witnessed the healing power of our Lord Jesus. You saw his compassion for the sick and dying. You yourself touched the sick, shared the sorrows of the mournful, and encouraged the despairing. You received this authority and healing power to work wonders, to cure the incurable, to make people whole. We ask you to intercede with our brother, Jesus, to send his saving grace to heal the sickness and suffering of Luke, to uplift his and his family's despondent spirits, and to instill hope in their heart. Amen.

Daisy said...

I have the badge over at my site now and pray for you everyday.
~Daisy, St.Croix, Virgin Islands

Anonymous said...

I'm praying for your whole family. May God bless you and keep giving Luke the strength to fight, and for you to have the strength it takes to help him get through this.

Southern VA

Anonymous said...

Psalm 91:14-16
My family will keep Luke and your entire family in our prayers. We will also rejoice with you when you let us know Luke is free of cancer. We will praise God for Luke's healing.

Castle family

Anonymous said...

Dear Lord give this family the strength to fight this fight and your healing touch to cure this child. amen Susan PA

Morgan said...


I pray that you would please be with this family and that you would heal their precious son. Keep their hopes alive and turn their hearts and eyes to You everyday. Don't let them forget that You are always there and You are faithful. Lord give them strength in this time of need.

The Kinards said...

Here our prayers that this sweet precious young boy will be healed from all sickness and pain. We pray that your will be done on Earth. Give his family peace, strength, and comfort during this difficult time. God we know you are all mighty, powerful, and loving.
In Christ's Name I pray,

Amy Kinard
Raeford, NC

Anonymous said...

Lord I thank you in advance for destroying all cancer and any other illness that may every befall this precious child.

The power of God is on you and your family.


Jennifer from Coweta, Oklahoma

Anonymous said...

Dear Lord,

I am lifting this fine young man to you, and putting him in Your healing hands. Please touch Luke. Give him strength to fight this disease. Give him courage, Lord. Give his family the courage and peace that they each need. I am going to claim healing for this child of Yours. Surround him with Your love and Your angels.

In Jesus Name

Pam from Muncie, IN

Val said...

Heavenly father i pray that you can give this boy and his family strength and courage. They are going through a rough time and need your help. I pray that you can guide the doctors helping Luke and that you may put your angels around him and protect him. I pray for peace in there lives, I can only imagine what they are going through. I ask that you just give them what they need lord.

In the name of your son Amen.

Jenn Nesland said...

We lift up Luke to You and pray Your healing hand is upon him. Give him strength, peace and hope as he battles this disease once more. Lord, if it be your will, please remove all cancer from his little body and defend him from further harm. We know all things are possible through You, Lord. We ask this in Your name.
Jenn Nesland
Vancouver, WA

Justine said...

Lord, I want to ask that you heal all this cancer from Luke's body. That he would rise up, Alive in that body of his. He's a cute precious jewel of yours. And I know you can use him and his family for your glory. May they all continue to lean on you, and your word! What great faith Luke has for you. God you are amazing. I know there are great miracles you have done, so I ask Holy Spirit touch the life and body of Luke Jensen that he would be completely healed of this Leukemia. I'm just the neighbor on the corner... two houses down from you North. I been meaning to bring cookies over sometime too. Lord, sustain Luke and their family!

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Heavenly Father,

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Trevor said...

Jesus, we ask you to heal Luke. His cancer has come back again, and he needs you more now than ever before. God you tell us in your word that when we ask you for something, you'll give it to us. And God we are asking you to heal Luke. Jesus, this is your child here. We know that you love him more than any of us could ever imagine. And God, we ask you to heal him of this cancer

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Anonymous said...

Dear Father, I thank you for Luke and for his family's perseverence through this wilderness. I pray that you would provide the strength and healing needed to come out of this stronger, more joyful, wiser and a comfort to other kids and families that may go through this. Your word says you will not forsake us. I know that You have your hands on Luke and I pray that Luke will feel your presence.

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Anonymous said...

My wife Sandi and I are trusting in the Lord for a special touch from heaven for Luke. We know that all things work together for good to those who love God. We are called according to His purposes. We agree in prayer and wait to see what the Lord will do, amen.

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Anonymous said...

Dear Luke,

As I sit here praying for you this morning I am thinking about our God--our God who moves mountains, performs miracles, parts waters, and heals the sick and broken. LORD, please work a miracle in Luke's life. You are powerful, mighty, and soverign. LORD, thank you for surrounding him with amazing family and friends. Bring him peace and comfort. And LORD, I ask You in Your holy name to heal Luke.

I wanted to share a couple of lines from a favorite song of mine right now..

"When my world is shaking
heaven stands.
When my heart is breaking
I never leave Your hands."

Sending prayers from Seattle.

Anonymous said...

Dear Luke,

As I sit here praying for you this morning I am thinking about our God--our God who moves mountains, performs miracles, parts waters, and heals the sick and broken. LORD, please work a miracle in Luke's life. You are powerful, mighty, and soverign. LORD, thank you for surrounding him with amazing family and friends. Bring him peace and comfort. And LORD, I ask You in Your holy name to heal Luke.

I wanted to share a couple of lines from a favorite song of mine right now..

"When my world is shaking
heaven stands.
When my heart is breaking
I never leave Your hands."

Sending prayers from Seattle.

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Anonymous said...

Dear Lord in Heaven,
Only you can help Luke to get well again. Doctors cannot, medications cannot. Only you. You are the way, the truth, and the life. Luke's life. Help Luke, God. Help him to face all of his fears and turmoils. We trust in you Lord, to do what is right for Luke. Thank you for all you have done, for it is for a purpopse. You see Luke. You know everything that will happen to him. Lord, put a miracle in the hands of the Jensens. Thank You.

Praying for your family.

Anonymous said...

I just read about you from a friend's blog...
You will be in our prayers from now on.
You are a brave boy, and you have been blessed with a very loving family.
God be with you,

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